Category: Man in the Wilderness
It was their intention all along to use a limited power nuclear device to take out all power, government response to the danger and disrupt river and roadway ...
READ MORE +You were up before first light and headed west to the Burlington Northern railroad tracks intersecting the Carras Praire Railroad. The railroad tracks ran ...
READ MORE +You had been in the Nez Perce Reservation for 3 months, was holding to your moving campsite pattern, hunting small game and catching fish when you could. You ...
READ MORE +You dug a fire pit which consisted of two 2 foot deep holes one larger than the other for wood to be placed vertically and connecting by an air hole to the ...
READ MORE +You walked through the aisles at Bass Pro one day when you drove home to see mom and dad gazing at row after row of backpacks, sleeping bags, canteens, ...
READ MORE +Unpacking your supplies and setting up your tent was labor intensive as every muscle you own was throbbing. You finished setting up the camouflage 4-man tent ...
READ MORE +Glancing at your watch you could see it was nearly 3am and you still have five miles to go. The night creatures are eerily silent as though a great hush has ...
READ MORE +Ok so you’re not a Green Beret not even a decent Boy Scout and yet here you are facing a wilderness escape route to leave a burning city behind that was your ...